Optimize business processes with
Intelligent Document Processing

About /

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) converts unstructured data from documents such as emails, PDFs, and scanned documents into structured data that can be used across platforms. This technology automates manual data extraction, minimizing manual labor and errors. With Laiye’s pre-trained models, you can start IDP automation without any data science skills.

After completing this learning path, you will get acquainted with Laiye IDP and use pre-trained models with a no-code approach to automate data and document processing for business process optimization.

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Business Users and IDP Implementers.
Write your awesome label here.
  Intro to Laiye's IDP platform
  Learn Laiye’s IDP capabilities: pre-trained and customized models, documents and text classification, and API and Integrations.
  Level: Beginner
  Duration: 2 hours
Laiye IDP: Platform Overview
  Pre-exam to prep you for the professional certification exam
  Learn more about Laiye’s certification process
  Familiarize yourself with the exam topics
  Duration: XX
Coming Soon...
Exam Preparation: IDP Citizen Developer Certification (Level 1) 
  Course is under construction, stay tuned!
Coming Soon...
Laiye IDP: Using a No-Code Approach
[Under Construction]
Get Certified
Once you’ve completed this learning path, you can take our online exam to earn an official IDP Citizen Developer certification.