RPA Developer Certificate Sample (Level 1)

  • Laiye RPA Developer Certification

    Laiye RPA Engineer Certification is created by Laiye to officially recognize a developer’s theoretical and practical mastery of Laiye RPA.
    To get certified, developers must pass online examination.
    The certificate is valid for one year, and can be renewed by taking the exam again. 
    Please note that the L2 & L3 certification exam site is currently under maintenance. Notification will be released once it's back again.
  Check all courses to prepare for certification

IDP Developer Certificate Sample (Level 2)

  • Laiye IDP Developer Certification

    Through Laiye IDP certification, developers will learn to use pre-trained models, extract key information after OCR recognition, and use machine learning model to make intelligent text classification, and ultimately improve personal capabilities.
    Developers can participate in online exam, and after passing the exam, they can obtain the official IDP certificate issued by Laiye.
  Take the IDP course and prepare for the certification

On-Premise Chatbot Certificate Sample (Level 1)

  • Laiye On-premise Chatbot Certification

    Laiye On-premise Chatbot Certification is an official certification system for chatbot developers.
    Developers can participate in the online examination. After passing the examination, they can obtain the official chatbot training certificate by Laiye Conversational AI.
  Read the Product Manual and prepare for the certification